Friday, November 7, 2008

Poor Conway

Poor Conway. His incisions got infected. He had to go back to the surgeon. the doctor had to squeeze the heck out of the sore part to make sure it was really infected, then he had to do it again to get a culture of it. Poor Conway was not happy about this at all. He was screaming pretty good. Now he is on a strong antibiotic and should get better soon.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Sorry about that poor guy! OUCH!
Hope he is doing better.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Kristine hipps said...

Oh my, the thought just makes me cringe. I know how bad it hurts when my pierced ears get infected and I squeeze them! Poor little guy.

kelsey said...

That's miserable! I hope things are going better for him now.

Minharos said...

Oh that sounds awful! I hope he's feeling better. On the bright side, he'll never remember this!

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