Sunday, November 9, 2008


OK I have to admit that I always thought it would be cool to be tagged so I could feel popular. Then I got tagged...2 times and I still haven't done what I am supposed to. I know I am lame.
OK, I thought I would combined what I am supposed to do and sort of create my own rules!

3 joys
1. obviously my family
2. daily accomplishments
3. seeing others accomplishments

3 fears
1. scorpions
2. the way the world is going these days
3. raising my kids in this crazy world

3 goals
1. to teach my kids to have a desire to be righteous
2. to have more energy
3. someday make it back to Russia

3 random facts:
I've never pierced my ears (or anything else!)
I hate smelling food that i am not eating. It groses me out!
My husbands cologne gives me a headache and he wears it anyway.

3 guilty pleasures
1. chocolate
2. naps
3. not having to make dinner

Anything else you want to know?
Oh, I tag Jen, Jaci, and Kelsey

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