Our first tomato!
Plenty of radishes if anyone likes 'em.
This is what I made: collard greens and it was so good!

the other day we were out watering the flower garden and this is what came out. A scorpion and...
a black widow!

A COLD morning in AZ!
the other day we were out watering the flower garden and this is what came out. A scorpion and...
Conway's Doctor calls yesterday to let me know that his culture came back positive for a bacteria that wasn't being killed by the antibiotic he was on. He had been fine and it looked better, but then today he started in with a fever. They called in a STRONGER antibiotic and hopefully this will do the trick. I just want the poor little guy to feel better and be happy.
I am so jealous of your garden. Not the YUCKY bugs EWWW gross. I don't like scorpions or spiders all that much.
Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Scorpians, blackwidows, bacteria, oh my! Your collard greens look delicious and the garden looks like it is doing it's job. Good work!
I was starting to feel homesick viewing the pictures of Bob and the kids, but when I saw the scorpian (while not great, I can handle the black widow)it curbed my enthusiasm for AZ desert dwelling. If they're not gone by Nov, maybe I'll postpone my return!
An aside - no bugs here, but they do have mice, but haven't seen any this season - good thing, too!
I forgot to log out of the Mins computer so the above comment was really from me, not katie, although she could just have easily written it, too!
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