Friday, May 15, 2009


Today i got to watch my amazing husband graduate from Arizona State University. He graduated with honors (3.98 GPA). it was a great experience. Dayson was extremely excited about the day, the cool building, being at dads school, the lights, everything. It was held at Gammage, so that was really nice. Our neighbor watched Conway so that we could enjoy it without him. (He would not have cooperated.) I'm so proud of James for all his hard work and effort, he's come a LONG way. I got him and x-box 360! He loves it!

Him looking studious!

Here's James playing guitar hero!

Look at that huge bruise on my arm. A girl from my volleyball team elbowed me!

We had a surprize party planned for James and Lindsay's husband Matt. We daefinately surprized both of them. When we walked through the door James asked me if I knew this was going on. We had fun eating and watching the kids swim.
Well done James, I'm proud of you and glad to be done with that chapter of our lives. Now if he could get a teaching job...


Jaclyn said...

Way to go James!

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Yeah congratulations!! Way to go! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

JackandJaneyNichols said...

That's so awesome, what a great acheivement....for both of you! Congratulations!!!!

Jacie said...

Congratulations James! It must feel great to finally be done with school:)

Jacie said...

Hey James congrats! I am happy you are finished unless you decide to get a masters or PhD. Late Nick

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