Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Family Party

We had a fun family party the other night. It was an Asian theme (I think because I have a brother in Japan and a sister in Hong Kong). It may not have been completely authentic, but it was really fun. We have a great family, with fun parties!

James and Conway eating. Conway liked the food as well as the rest of us.
This was when we first got there. Dayson was not in the mood and wouldn't dress up. He eventually got over it and had a great time.

Thanks for all the hard work that went into it Kristine and others. We had a good time.


Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

How fun! I love doing dinners like this for my family for the different holidays in other countries. Great pictures!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had fun!

Oh and I LOVE your hair. Fabulous!

kelsey said...

I'm very jealous, but glad everyone had a good time. Looks fun.

JackandJaneyNichols said...

I love seeing the large family picture, everyone looks so good. Doesn't Ben still live in Snowflake?

Kristine hipps said...

Ben & Donna came down for the party (well, actually, we timed the party for a weekend they'd be down). So, only our out of state kids - Katie & Levy - PA, Jacob & Alyssa - UT, Kelsey - HK, & Zach - JPN - were missing.
Now we'll have to add Krista & Jared - UT to the mix :(

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