Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eggs for sale!

So Conway is doing just fine. He is still on antibiotic and hates them, but he's fine. James has been finishing up some projects for school. He only needs 8 more credits, but will end up with 15 more. We are getting excited. He finally has a church calling again. He teaches in the elders quorum. I think he'll do great. They have found a little work here and there to help pay the bills. Someone drove through a McDonald's and another one burned down. James is the lucky one to fix them.
Dayson and I have been playing and learning and staying out of trouble. It's nice that the weather is cool enough to play in the sand box. Oh, Dayson does have a project going on. He is selling our chicken eggs to earn money for his mission. He has to feed the chickens, collect the eggs, then we ask neighbors and my clients if they want to buy any. He is a good salesman so far. Who can say no to a little kid and his mission fund? Plus we all need eggs right? Any of you interested in fresh, organic, chicken eggs? $2 a dozen!


TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

I'll send Tj over to get some eggs. I think we need new ones. We don't go through them fast enough and then they go bad but TJ will want them around. Tell Dayson to go hit him up at the shop.

TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

a year? really? wow!! I definitely want some now! Just tell him I said to go by a coke and bring the change to Dayson. Or tell dayson to go over there everyday until he wears him down. It will work.

kelsey said...

I love the idea of Dayson out selling eggs for a mission fund! And you're right: no one with a heart could turn him down!

Trevor and Heather Caffall said...

I want some!

Kristine hipps said...

That is so fantastic! I can just picture his high pressure pitch to women with foils in their hair! I can't believe anyone would leave eggless. Good for you for giving him such a great project!

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