Monday, November 24, 2008

Coordination or Cooperation

For some reason the boys all ended up matching today. What good looking boys I have!
Our ward is putting together a whole town of Bethlehem for Christmas. It will be held in the open pasture by the church. They have recreated the city. All in the community are invited and asked to dress the part. Well my father in law is head of the committee that is putting this together. They didn't understand why he was looking for a baby Jesus when he had a grandson that fit the age. He told them if they wanted a baby that was into everything, doesn't sit still long enough to eat let alone be still for a 30 min. program, then he had just the baby! Conway is not gonna miss a thing. He always knows what going on with everything around him. He would cruise the house using a diaper box at 6 1/2 - 7 months just to see the rooms he doesn't get to go in very often! Dayson was able to play baby Jesus when he was 2 months old, sorry Conway, no stage time for you.

1 comment:

Kristine hipps said...

Not only do they coordinate from the neck down, they have the same haircuts! Boy, those boys are cute!!

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